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Coll Pottery Craft Centre

Coll Pottery Craft Centre is located just outside of Stornoway, on the Isle of Lewis.


The original Coll Pottery, was a highly successful ceramics business, exporting its products worldwide. It finally closed its doors in the early 2000s leaving the building to the mercy of the Hebridean climate.

The, by now, nearly derelict building was purchased by a local, family who formed the company, Hebridean Craft Studios Ltd, with the aim of renovating the building, providing, working, selling, and teaching space for themselves and eventually others.

Covid 19 caused severe problems, which put the project back considerably. Some aims have changed while others have been discarded. However we are still here and now have 3 galleries displaying ceramics, glass, and jewellery. We also have a large, well equipped, teaching area, and run classes throughout the year.

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